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Bayan Obo mining district water purification plant completed

Updated: 2019-12-24

A water purification plant which aims to meet the urgent needs of the locals in Bayan Obo mining area, was completed on Dec 18 after nearly five and a half months of intensive construction, local officials said.

Li Xiaofeng, an official in the CPC Inner Mongolia Committee, attended the opening ceremony.

The project is one of the key people’s livelihood projects for 2019 in the district.

The water purification plant covers an area of about 20,700 square meters, with a designed daily treatment capacity of 9,000 cubic meters, which can meet the water demand of the whole area for three days.

Officials said the four main water sources in use are centrally treated by modern technology.

They said the new facility meets national drinking water standards, providing a balanced water supply to the whole area – and ensuring that the residents in the district have sufficient and quality water.