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Hondlon continues to promote online government service platform

Updated: 2021-11-10

In order to implement the requirements for the full use of an integrated online government service platform, 15 sub-district offices in Hondlon district, Baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region have fully implemented the online acceptance and handling of administrative services, forming a normalized working mechanism.

The district has so far used the integrated online government service platform to deal with more than 70,000 applications, ranking first in Baotou.

Hondlon has also implemented a "good or bad comments" system for online government services. Citizens can use mobile phone text messages and other digital methods to evaluate the solved applications. The district has already received nearly 120,000 comments, the most in Baotou.

The district will continue to put the people first by improving the "good or bad comments" system, boosting working efficiency, and optimizing the government service environment.