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Baotou venues upgraded to 4A, 3A level tourist attractions

Updated: 2023-10-08

The 2023 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Tourism Development Conference – with the theme "Cultural Tourism Empowering Rural Vitalization" – was recently held in the region's Chifeng city.

The event commended the newly assessed 4A-level tourist attractions in the autonomous region in North China. It commended autonomous region-level tourist resorts and leisure streets, 3C-level self-drive camping sites, autonomous region-level key villages and towns for rural tourism – and gave recognition to the region's top tour guides. Appointment certificates were also presented to the first batch of promotions representatives of cultural villages in the autonomous region.

One of the highlights was that attractions in the major city of Baotou and its villages were given awards at the conference.

The Silu Mengjun Resort was recognized as a national 4A-level tourist attraction. The Ma'an Mountain Ecotourism Area, Xilamuren Flower Garden Scenic Area and the Saikhantal Urban Grassland Scenic Area were given the status of national 3A-level tourist attractions.

Hengshu Street was recognized as an autonomous region-level leisure street – while the villages of Damiao, Fangdi, and Meidaizhao were included in the third batch of key villages for rural tourism in Inner Mongolia.

In addition, Cao Fei – deputy director of the Shiguai District Cultural Museum in Baotou – was made one of the first batch of promotions representatives for cultural villages in Inner Mongolia.