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New dawn for residents with disabilities in Baotou with home adaptations

Updated: 2024-05-17

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Liu leaves home by himself via the renovated accessible wheelchair passage. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]

"Ever since the renovation of the accessible wheelchair passage in front of my house finished, I've been able to come and go freely. Chatting with my neighbors has really improved my mood," said Liu Yinsheng, a 69-year-old resident with disabilities in Baotou.

In Liu's home, various facilities, such as a raised or lowered stove, water heater, and toilet, have been modified. The home renovations have essentially created a barrier-free environment tailored to his needs, allowing him to move around easily.


The Baotou municipal people's government modifies the stove in Liu's house, raising or lowering it to his level so he can cook. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]

Since the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), Baotou has allocated a total of 228 million yuan ($31.58 million) in special funds to ensure the basic livelihood of people with disabilities and to improve services for them.

In 2023, the city invested 2.8 million yuan in the modification of the houses of 608 people with disabilities, installing raised or lowered stoves, water heaters, toilets, and more that can be used by people with disabilities. This year, the city plans to invest another 2.15 million yuan in further renovations.

Additionally, in 2023, the city allocated over 11 million yuan in special funds for the physical and mental rehabilitation of children with disabilities. As a result, 777 children with disabilities have seen improvements in their ability to live independently and adapt socially through rehabilitation training.

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Baotou children with disabilities receive physical training from rehabilitation therapists. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]