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Baotou hosts inaugural cultural festival celebrating artists with disabilities

Updated: 2024-06-21

The first Baotou Cultural and Arts Festival for People with Disabilities officially kicked off at Baotou Golden Street on June 18. The festival showcased the resilience and unique artistry of individuals with disabilities through performances, an art and calligraphy exhibition, and a marketplace.

Artworks at the exhibition and goods in the market were all made by disabled individuals from Baotou.


Paintings created by people with disabilities in Baotou are on display at the event. [Photo/Baotou news network]

A series of captivating performances, including recitations, singing, dancing, and morin khuur ensemble, elicited enthusiastic applause from the audience. All the performances at the event were a collaboration between people with disabilities from Baotou, actors from the Baotou Art Theater, and volunteers from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Foundation for Disabled Persons.


A Mongolian dance is performed at the event. [Photo/Baotou news network]

Chang Bin, who has a physical disability, played the guzheng (a Chinese plucked zither) on stage. He has been learning the guzheng for over 10 years, stating, "Many of my friends with disabilities are also learning various arts. The stage makes us feel less alone."

Offstage, staff members of the Baotou Disabled Persons' Federation, Baotou institutions supporting employment of people with disabilities, as well as Baotou Special Education School set up booths to promote benefit policies for people with disabilities and sell handmade products such as soaps and crafts made by people with disabilities.

Xie Canwen, a teacher at Baotou Special Education School, said, "We usually cultivate the handicraft skills and thinking abilities of children with disabilities, and in the past, their works would only be displayed at school. Now they have the rare opportunity to sell their works at the market."

Additionally, charitable enterprises, organizations, and individuals donated funds and goods worth a total of over 1.6 million yuan ($220,355) to people with disabilities during the event.