Baotou releases Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality
To further defend the blue sky, Baotou recently launched the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality.
The plan outlines the goals and measures for the city's battle against air pollution, emphasizing precise, scientific, and legal approaches to pollution control. It will serve as a powerful tool to advance air pollution prevention efforts and ensure sustained air quality improvements.
The plan sets ambitious targets: By 2025, the concentration of fine particulate matter is expected to drop below 35 micrograms per cubic meter, and the share of days with good or excellent air quality will reach over 84.8 percent. The number of days experiencing severe pollution will be limited to 0.9 percent. Additionally, emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds will be reduced by over 10 percent compared to 2020.
The plan's specific measures include optimizing industrial structure and layout, promoting the upgrading and transformation of industrial clusters, accelerating the development of clean, low-carbon, and efficient energy, and adjusting the energy mix.
Moreover, the plan aims to facilitate a green transformation in transportation, improve vehicle cleanliness, enhance pollution control management practices, and strengthen coordinated efforts to reduce multiple pollutants. It will also bolster the monitoring system and enforce stricter regulations regarding air quality.