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Electricity industry

Updated: 2020-04-30

The electricity industry is one of the five pillar industries in Baotou city, located in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region -- along with the rare earth, steel, equipment manufacturing and the aluminum industries.

The electricity industry in Baotou and its surrounding areas is well developed.

Baotou has three large-scale thermal power plants -- the Baotou No 1 Thermal Power Plant, Baotou No 2 Thermal Power Plant, and Baotou No 3 Thermal Power Plant -- which not only fully supply the city's electricity, but also transmit electricity to Beijing and Hebei province to support North China's power grid.

The three thermal power plants are among the earliest thermal power plants to be installed in West China.

Moving forwards, the city is to cooperate with China Guodian Inner Mongolia New Energy on a clean energy project, after a framework agreement was signed earlier in March.

The total investment of the project is about 14 billion yuan ($1.98 billion). It will develop and construct a wind-solar storage-integrated clean energy demonstration project with a scale of 1,000 megawatts to 2,000 mW. After the project is completed and starts production, the annual power generation will be about 7.2 billion kilowatt-hours.

According to statistics released by the Baotou statistics bureau, in 2019 the added value of the electricity industry in the city showed year-on-year growth of 12.4 percent.