
Runners cross rare desert poplar forest

2016-10-17 (chinadaily.com.cn)

A runner gives the thumps-up to a photographer as he runs the 2016 China-Ejin International Desert Poplar Forest Half Marathon on Oct 16. The race began in Ejin Banner, Alxa League, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, with 1,500 runners from 27 provinces in China and other foreign countries. The race organizers and local government officials hope that the contest could draw more visitors from both China and abroad. [Photo/nmgnews.com]

Attendants pass through one of three desert poplar forests in the world during the race. The half marathon saw 1,500 runners from 27 provinces in China and other foreign countries participate. Located in the northwest of Inner Mongolia, Ejin Banner possesses one of three existing desert poplar (also known as Euphrates poplar or populous euphratica) forests in the world. During the race, runners can enjoy the spectacular landscape of the area, particularly the colorful autumn scenery. [Photo/nmgnews.com]

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