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Recommended summer self-driving routes in Inner Mongolia


Drive to Inner Mongolia’s major cities

Route: Ulaanqab—Hohhot—Baotou—Ordos

There are nine types of tourism activities and resources on this route -- including grasslands, deserts, hot springs, rivers, lakes, folk customs, historic sites, modern industrial and agricultural landscapes and grassland urban features.

Recommended scenic sites along the route include the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, Xiangsha Bay, Qixing Lake, Kangbashi, Zhaojun Museum, Chilechuan Grassland and the Jungar Yellow River Canyon.

Experience desert and Yellow River culture

Route: Wuhai—Alshaa League—Bayannuur

This route takes tourists traveling from Wuhai, crossing the Yellow River and Helan Mountain. On entering Alshaa Left Banner, tourists can visit Yuanying, the Nansi Temple and the Beisi Temple. Moving along the G7 Expressway, tourists can admire the desert and Gobi scenery. While arriving at Ejine Banner, tourists will have the opportunity to see the populus euphratica forests, Juyan Lake, Ceke Port and Dongfeng Aviation City.













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