Achievements of Ecological Civilization Construction in Inner Mongolia

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Inner Mongolia leads country in pilot grassland insurance program

2024-05-20 (

The department of finance of Inner Mongolia autonomous region has recently announced that the region's grassland insurance pilot program now spans from the western reaches of Alshaa League to the eastern expanse of Hulunbuir city, encompassing eight leagues and 13 banners, with a pilot grassland area of around 38 million mu (2.53 million hectares).

This insurance covers three major types of grasslands: temperate meadow grasslands, temperate typical grasslands, and temperate desert grasslands, as well as four common grassland disasters: droughts, fires, pest infestations, and dust storms.

Since 2021, in collaboration with the Inner Mongolia Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Inner Mongolia branch of the National Financial Regulatory Administration, the Inner Mongolia Department of Finance has been exploring the establishment of a grassland insurance protection system aimed at safeguarding grassland ecology, preventing grassland disasters, and promoting post-disaster recovery.

Subsidies from various levels of government in Inner Mongolia have reached 53.08 million yuan, leading to increased efforts to promote grassland ecological conservation.

Starting from the demands of grassland ecological protection, insurance providers are carrying out disaster prevention and mitigation measures such as maintaining grassland protection facilities, controlling pests, purchasing disaster prevention equipment, and providing patrol subsidies to those who protect grasslands, effectively reducing grassland disasters and losses incurred by insured herders.

After three years of experimentation, significant progress has been made in strengthening the grassland insurance system, with an annual risk coverage of 884 million yuan having been provided to farmers and herders in the pilot areas.

Since 2021, the cumulative area of affected grasslands in the pilot areas stands at 22.65 million mu, with insurance payouts totaling 51.08 million yuan disbursed.