Inner Mongolia advances university think tank development
The Inner Mongolia University Think Tank High-Quality Development Seminar, held on March 15 at Inner Mongolia University of Technology, aimed to enhance universities' consulting capabilities in serving the autonomous region's development.
The seminar gathered over 300 participants, including heads of science and technology departments, platform directors, deans, and key think tank scholars from 36 regional universities.
Three distinguished think tank experts delivered keynote reports. Zhu Xiaojun, vice-chairman of the Inner Mongolia Federation of Social Sciences, discussed the expectations for think tanks in the region's socioeconomic development.
Wang Yin, deputy director of the China Institute for Institutional Opening-up, elaborated on the essential elements of university think tank reports, emphasizing problem orientation, data-driven analysis, and policy recommendations.
Wen Feng, chief expert of Beichen Think Tank, shared insights on best practices in report writing.
Their discussions provided valuable perspectives on research focus, methodological guidance, and writing proficiency.
The Inner Mongolia Department of Education outlined specific requirements and goals for university think tank development. It called on think tanks to uphold the mission of "deeply cultivating Northern China and serving overall strategic needs" and establish themselves as "strategic advisory bodies" for the regional government and "incubators of policy innovation".
As part of the initiative, the department has set up five think tanks at Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, and Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics.