Mongolian document museum opens in Hohhot
China's first Mongolian document museum was inaugurated in Horinger New District, Hohhot on June 10. The museum showcases valuable manuscripts and documents concerning Mongolian ethnic culture.
Unique folk event performed in Hohhot
An event featured traditional Mongolian customs and folk handicrafts was held in Hohhot on June 10.
Young demonstrate passion for soccer
A soccer event attracted nearly 100 children who came to show their soccer skills in Hohhot on June 10.
Museum keeps classic movie industry alive
Founded in 2008, Inner Mongolia Movie Museum has collected over 1,500 cinema projectors, nearly 5,000 films, assorted screenplays, stills, and reviews.
Hohhot residents take part in Mongolian ritual
On June 7, hundreds of Hohhot residents gathered around a cone-shaped mound called Aobao to offer livestock and libation.
Nightfall marathon to shine Ordos
Organizers for the 2017 Ordos International Marathon announced on Tuesday at a press conference in Beijing that the race will begin at 17:00 on Aug 19.
Paper-cutting draws new fans
A paper-cutting event attracted hundreds of local eager to experience traditional culture on June 8.
Modern technologies applied in Bayannur farm
Inner Mongolia’s Bayannur has built modern agricultural parks measuring nearly 680 hectares in Linhe, Wulantuke and Bayixiang, and aims to develop selenium-enriched wheat and plant broccoli following the spring harvest.